Mass Schedule
Weekdays (Mon-Fr)
7 am and 12:10 pm
Mass: 8 am
Anticipatory Mass: 5 pm
7:30 am, 9 am, 11 am, and 4:30 pm
Recent OLP News
Next Weekend February 15th/16th launches the Catholic Services Appeal for 2025
One Faith, One Family
Escape the winter blues with OLP . . .
join us for an Adult Night Out on January 25th in the school gym.
OLP Spirit Wear . . .
Share your love for OLP with all you meet.
We are blessed to welcome you to our church whether you are just passing through or looking for a place to call "home."
We believe that prayer is an important part of how we live out our faith and want to support you and what is going on in your life in prayer. We are here for you!
Join us for Mass. Mass truly is "the one hour to peace." A peace that comes only from God. So join us and encounter God in the beauty of the Mass, in the smile of the people, the welcome of the staff and the joy of the music. We are so glad you are here.

Click here to see the Scripture Readings of the Day
Check out our videos of Sunday Mass
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