Please check out the frequently asked questions below to help guide you.
How do I join Our Lady of Peace?
Join us for Mass. Registration forms are available on the bulletin board in the main vestibule, in the church office or by clicking here.
How can I arrange for a Mass Intention?
Mass intentions can be scheduled in the church office, Monday thru Friday from 9am until 4pm. Families are also invited to arrange the sanctuary candle or chapel candle in honor or memory as well. The minimum donation is $10 per Mass or candle.
How do I arrange for my child's Baptism?
Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to scheduling a date. Contact Tammie Mang, Faith Formation Director about class scheduling at or 814-838-9983. Upon completion of the Baptism Preparation Class families can schedule their Baptism with the church office by calling 814-833-7701 or email Cynthia Berarducci, Secretary, at
How do I get a sponsor certificate for Baptism or Confirmation?
Sponsor certificates for Baptism (godparent) or Confirmation (sponsor) can be issued to registered members of Our Lady of Peace who have received Confirmation, attend Mass and receive Communion regularly. To obtain a sponsor certificate call the parish office at 814-833-7701.
How do we make arrangements for our wedding?
Please call the Pastor at least 6 months and preferably 12 months prior to your wedding.
I need information about obtaining an annulment, where do I go?
The Office of the Marriage Tribunal has information on the annulment process, click here to view. For help with counseling or other matters related to marriage, please contact Fr. Rich Toohey, Pastor at 814-833-7701 x212.
How do I put an announcement in the bulletin?
Please submit all bulletin articles to the parish office by noon on Friday for the next week's bulletin. Articles/announcements can be emailed to the parish office at
How do I put someone's name on the prayer chain?
Call Kandace at 814-453-6515 during the day or Donna at 814-866-0792 at night.
How do I reserve a room for a parish meeting?
Contact the parish office at 814-833-7701 or email