Parish Ministries
Please explore the list below for information about ministries within the parish. If you cannot locate the ministry you are interested in, please contact the church office at 814-833-7701 or send us an email.
Liturgical Ministries
- Children's Liturgy of the Word held on Sundays at the 11am Mass. Coordinated by Sarah Beaver.
- Greeters/Ushers coordinated by Paul and Joyce Wickles.
- Sacristan, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector and Altar Servers coordinated by Brian Kuzmin.
Service, Social & Spiritual Ministry
- Pre-Cana Ministry
- Families Together Ministry coordinated by Scott Barnes.
- Men's Faith Sharing the first Wednesday of the month, coordinated by Charlie Rutkowski.
- Women's Faith Sharing the second Wednesday of the month, coordinated by Maria Good.
- Rosary Altar Society coordinated by Marilyn and Pat Mackowski
- Bible Study coordinated by Christine Beaver
- RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team coordinated by Tammie and Dec. John Mang
- Welcome Committee coordinated by Julie Zimmer.
- Safety & Security Committee coordinated by Tom Sargent
- Properties Committee coordinated by Chris Ehrman
- Community Outreach
- Casserole Club-Maria House Project
- Erie City Mission
- Emmaus Soup Kitchen
- Millcreek Food Pantry
- Sunday Suppers
- ServErie
- St. Patrick's Haven
- Habitat for Humanity
- Our Neighbor's Place (Nov-Mar)
- OLP Serves - Neighbors helping neighbors
Music Ministry
- Cantor
- Cherub Choir coordinated by Christina Murnock
- Festival Ensemble
- Selah Praise Band - Provides music at the 9am Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays coordinated by Debby Holmes
- Resurrection Choir
- Voice of Peace - Provides music at the 11am Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are on Thursdays.
Share your musical talents (vocal and instrument) with the parish. Have questions? Contact Brian Kuzmin, Music and Liturgy Director.
Youth & Family Ministry
- Youth Group
- Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts
- Girl Scouts
Knights of Columbus
Our Lady Of Peace - Council 11454
Families Together Ministry hosts an Adult Night Out to chase away those winter blues.