Upcoming Events

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools week begins on January 26th. It is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the U.S. This week is an opportunity to focus on the value Catholic education provides to our youth and the contribution it makes to our church and community.

Feast of St. Blaise Throat Blessings

In honor of the Feast of Saint Blaise, we will be blessing throats at Mass on Saturday, February 1st and Sunday February 2nd.

Presentation of the Lord

As was Jewish custom, Jesus was presented in the temple in Jerusalem by his parents, Mary and Joseph forty days after His birth.

Lord Jesus, as an infant You were brought to the temple by Your parents out of religious duty. Help all parents to take their duties to God seriously, to inculcate their faith in the next generation by their words and by their actions, so that the faith will be handed on where the faith is first learned—in the family and in the home. (mycatholiclife.org)

Happy Birthday Fr. Rich Toohey!

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast

Support the good work of the OLP Knights at the Pancake Breakfast in the school cafeteria from 8-11am. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage, juice and coffee, the best breakfast deal in town!

Men's Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join with the men of the parish in the school cafeteria for fellowship and faith sharing from 6:30-8pm.

First Friday Adoration

All are invited to spend time in Adoration immediately following the 7am daily Mass until Benediction at 7pm.

"And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." -Matthew 28:20

Erie Night to Shine

Night to Shine is a global celebration of people with special needs happening in over 1,000 cities across 56 countries. Night to Shine Erie is sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation and hosted by Our Lady of Peace.

More info at ntserie.org on how you can register a special needs family member or volunteer for the event. We are always looking for donations and sponsorships to make this event a success. Donate at www.olp.org or drop a donation off in the church office.

OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Anointing of the Catechumen

In this anointing, the unbaptized (catechumen) receive strength for their journey and help in overcoming the obstacles Satan places in their path to full membership in the church at the Easter Vigil.

Join us at the 11am Mass and in prayerful support for our catechumen.

Sunday Suppers - Community Outreach Opportunity

We need your help in preparing, cooking and feeding our brothers and sisters in need.

We will be serving on Sunday, November 17th at First Presbyterian Church from 4-5:30pm. Ready to get involved? Contact Pete Piotrowski 814-600-5386 or Debbie Piotrowski 814-812-0122.

Holy Hour of Adoration for the Sick

Join us for a special Holy Hour praying for our loved ones who are sick.

Pope John Paul II reminds us that Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love.

Women of Faith

Join us for an opportunity to encourage and journey with other women in their walk with Christ. All are welcome to join us from 6:30-8:30pm in room B-2 in the school.

Erie City Mission - Community Outreach Opportunity

Volunteer opportunity open to all parishioners age 15 and older. Prepare and serve the lunch meal to our brothers and sisters in need from 9:45am - 1pm at the Erie City Mission, 11th & French Streets.

Contact Scott Barnes at 814-881-8889 to volunteer.

Casserole Club - Community Outreach Opportunity

Casseroles in support of Maria House Project can be dropped off in the social room from 3:30-4:30pm. Casseroles should be pre-cooked and frozen with re-heating instructions. In you need your casserole picked up or have questions, contact Skip or Dottie Glover at 814-440-3496.

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting

In service to One, In service to all. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization.

Membership is open to all active Catholic men of the parish. Join us in room B-5 at the school from 6:30-8:00pm For more information, contact Grand Knight Gary Carver at 814-838-8133.

Pre Cana Weekend

Pre Cana is a weekend opportunity for engaged couples to dive deep into their relationship, explore topics you many not have yet discussed and create a space for you to welcome Christ into your marriage.

Register at www.olp.org. Questions call Lisa Panighetti at 814-806-2423 x 106 or email lpanighetti@eriecatholic.org.

22:32 Men's Conference 2024

At St. Jude Parish from 8:30am - Noon. All faiths are welcome. Registration and more info at 2232men.com.

Mardi Gras Celebration

Fat Tuesday, as it is known in English, is a long-standing tradition of the Catholic Church and it marks a day of indulgence on the last day of ordinary time before the start of Lent, a time of fasting and repentance.

Join us in the school cafeteria for a Mardi Gras celebration at 6pm.

Ash Wednesday

Today is a day of Fast and Abstinence. Masses are at 7am, 12:10pm, 2:00pm and 7pm. At 5:30pm there will be an Ashes Distribution Service.

Men's Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join with the men of the parish in the school cafeteria for fellowship and faith sharing from 6:30-8pm.

Stations of the Cross

Make Stations of the Cross a weekly part of your Lenten journey. Confession will be available from 6pm until 7pm.

First Friday Adoration

Our Lord invites you to come and rest in Him. Eucharistic Adoration in the church immediately following the 7AM Mass until Benediction at 7PM.

"Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them."-Peter of Alcantara

First Reconciliation

Please keep our children in your prayers today as they experience God's mercy and forgiveness for the first time.

O.C.I.A (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Rite of Election

This weekend is The Rite of Election for our O.C.I A. Catechumen and Candidates. They now enter the final phase of preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. Today, they will affirm their intention to join the Church.

Please keep them in your prayers for ongoing conversion during Lent.

First Sunday of Lent

“In our Lenten journey towards Easter, let us remember the One who “humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8). During this season of conversion, let us renew our faith, draw from the “living water” of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God, who makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.”

Pope Francis, Lenten Message 2021

Women of Faith

Join us for an opportunity to encourage and journey with other women in their walk with Christ. All are welcome to join us from 6:30-8:30pm in room B-2 in the school.

Living Stations

Students from Our Lady of Peace School will present the Stations of the Cross. Plan to join us for this moving experience of Christ's passion and death. Confession will be available beginning at 6pm.

Erie City Mission - Community Outreach Opportunity

Volunteer opportunity open to all parishioners age 15 and older. Prepare and serve the lunch meal to our brothers and sisters in need from 9:45am - 1pm at the Erie City Mission, 11th & French Streets.

Contact Scott Barnes at 814-881-8889 to volunteer.

Casserole Club - Community Outreach Opportunity

Casseroles in support of Maria House Project can be dropped off in the social room from 3:30-4:30pm. Casseroles should be pre-cooked and frozen with re-heating instructions. In you need your casserole picked up or have questions, contact Skip or Dottie Glover at 814-440-3496.

Second Sunday of Lent

“Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor 6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn 4:19).”
Pope Francis, Lenten Message 2015

St. Joseph Table Dinner

Join us for a Prayer Service and Dinner to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph.

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross commemorate Jesus's passion and death on the cross. This Lent, make Stations of the Cross a weekly part of your Lenten journey. Confession will be available from 6pm until 7pm.

Third Sunday of Lent

“Lent is a good time to recover the joy and hope that make us feel like beloved sons and daughters of the Father. The Father who waits for us in order to cast off our garments of exhaustion, of apathy, of mistrust, and so clothe us with the dignity which only a true father or mother knows how to give their children, with the garments born of tenderness and love.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 14th Feb 2016

The Annunciation of the Lord

The Solemnity of the Annunciation celebrates the coming of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to announce to her the special mission God had chosen for her in being the mother of His only son. Join us for Mass at 7am or 12:10pm.

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting

In service to One, In service to all. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization.

Membership is open to all active Catholic men of the parish. Join us in room B-4 at the school from 6:30-8:00pm For more information, contact Grand Knight Gary Carver at 814-838-8133.

Stations of the Cross

Make Stations of the Cross a weekly part of your Lenten journey. Confession will be available from 6pm until 7pm.

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Lent is the time of grace that liberates the heart from vanity. It is a time of healing from addictions that seduce us. It is a time to fix our gaze on what abides.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 6th March 2019

Men's Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join with the men of the parish in the school cafeteria for fellowship and faith sharing from 6:30-8pm.

Altar Rosary Society Meeting

Through shared spirituality and friendship, the Our Lady of Peace Altar Rosary Society expresses continuing devotion to Mary, Our Blessed Mother. All are welcome, meet in the school cafeteria. Questions, call Marilyn at 814-833-4683 or Pat at 814-838-7145.

First Friday Adoration

All are invited to spend time with our Lord in adoration immediately following the 7am Mass until Benediction at 6:45pm.

“Each time you approach the Blessed Sacrament remember that Jesus has been waiting for you for twenty centuries for this personal visit from you.” - St. Josemaria Escriva

Stations of the Cross

The Lord invites you to walk with Him this Lent. Confession will be available from 6pm until the start of stations.

Fifth Sunday of Lent

“All creation is called, with us, to go forth “from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom 8:21). Lent is a sacramental sign of this conversion. It invites Christians to embody the paschal mystery more deeply and concretely in their personal, family and social lives, above all by fasting, prayer and almsgiving.”
Pope Francis, Lenten Message 2019

Women of Faith

Join us for an opportunity to encourage and journey with other women in their walk with Christ. All are welcome to join us from 6:30-8:30pm in room B-2 in the school.

Stations of the Cross

Join us as we pray the Way of the Cross this Friday. Confession will be available from 6pm until 7pm.

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday we will enter into Jerusalem with Jesus, and the Church will enter into Holy Week.

“Why did you suffer for me, dear Jesus? For love! The nails…the crown…the cross…all for the love of me!” –St. Gemma Galgani

Chrism Mass

Join Catholics from around the Diocese at St. Peter Cathedral for the Chrism Mass where Bishop Persico blesses the three oils — the oil of catechumens (oleum catechumenorum or oleum sanctorum), the oil of the infirm (oleum infirmorum) and holy chrism (sacrum chrisma); which will be used in the administration of the sacraments in churches throughout the diocese for the year.

24 Hours of Adoration for the Lord

Adoration begins at Noon on April 15th and continues through Noon on April 16th. Come and spend time with the Lord in preparation for the Triduum.

Holy Thursday

The Mass of the Lord's Supper will take place at 7:00pm. Adoration will follow at the Altar of Repose in the school cafeteria until Night Prayer at 11:00pm.

The washing of the feet and the sacrament of the Eucharist: two expressions of one and the same mystery of love entrusted to the disciples, so that, Jesus says, “as I have done… so also must you do” (Jn 13:15). – St.John Paul II

Good Friday

Today we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with services at 1:30pm.

“True reverence for the Lord’s passion means fixing the eyes of our heart on Jesus crucified and recognizing in him our own humanity.” — Pope St. Leo the Great

Holy Saturday

Join us for Morning Prayer at 8am. The blessing of Easter foods (baskets) will take place at Noon.

“The death of the Lord our God should not be a cause of shame for us; rather, it should be our greatest hope, our greatest glory. In taking upon himself the death that he found in us, he has most faithfully promised to give us life in him, such as we cannot have of ourselves.” — St. Augustine

Great Easter Vigil

Celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and join us as we welcome our newest members, our OCIA candidates and catechumen who enter the church today.

We give glory to You, Lord, who raised up Your cross to span the jaws of death like a bridge by which souls might pass from the region of the dead to the land of the living. We give glory to You who put on the body of a single mortal man and made it the source of life for every other mortal man. – St. Ephrem of Edessa

Easter Sunday

He is Risen . . . He is Risen indeed! Masses will be celebrated at 7:30am, 9am and 11am.

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”-Pope Saint John Paul II

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting

In service to One, In service to all. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization.

Membership is open to all active Catholic men of the parish. Join us in room B-4 at the school from 6:30-8:00pm For more information, contact Grand Knight Gary Carver at 814-838-8133.

First Holy Communion

Today we pray for the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time. May today be the first day of a life-long love of the Eucharist.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Join us at 3:00pm as we celebrate the mercy of our God. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 2:00pm until the start of the service.


God, we pray that you look kindly on our candidates for Confirmation as they seek to hear your voice. Come Holy Spirit!

Knights of Columbus Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast

Support the good work of the OLP Knights at the Pancake Breakfast in the school cafeteria from 8-12:30pm. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage, juice and coffee.

All moms enjoy a free breakfast.

Men's Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join with the men of the parish in the school cafeteria for fellowship and faith sharing from 6:30-8pm.

Faithful to the Finish 5k

Plan to join us for this fun, family friendly walk/run on May 10th. The race takes place at Presque Isle Beach 1 at 8:00am with an out and back course along the beach road.

All proceeds benefit the Parish Endowment, investing in the next generation of faith.

Holy Hour for Vocation

Join us in a special Holy Hour for Vocations.

Lord, Grant us the grace to know the path You have planned for us in this life and to respond with a generous “Yes.” Make our archdiocese, parishes, homes and hearts fruitful ground for Your gift of vocations.

Women of Faith

Join us for an opportunity to encourage and journey with other women in their walk with Christ. All are welcome to join us from 6:30-8:30pm in room B-2 in the school.

Altar Rosary Society Meeting

Through shared spirituality and friendship, the Our Lady of Peace Altar Rosary Society expresses continuing devotion to Mary, Our Blessed Mother. All are welcome. Questions, call Marilyn at 814-833-4683 or Pat at 814-838-7145.

Please bring a dish to share for our Tureen Dinner.

48th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church

Remember your parish family in your prayers today as we celebrate the dedication of Our Lady of Peace Church.

Erie City Mission - Community Outreach Opportunity

All parishioners age 15 or older are invited to help in preparing and serving the lunch meal at the Erie City Mission from 9:45AM until 1PM.

For information or to volunteer, contact Scott Barnes at 814-881-8889.

Casserole Club - Community Outreach Opportunity

Casseroles in support of Maria House Project can be dropped off in the social room from 3:30-4:30pm. Casseroles should be pre-cooked and frozen with re-heating instructions. In you need your casserole picked up or have questions, contact Skip or Dottie Glover at 814-440-3496.

OLP Serves - Community Outreach Opportunity

This is a chance to serve the needs of those right here in our parish community between 8am and 3pm on Saturday, May 17th.

Need help with a small project in your home? Willing to share your time and skills to help a fellow parishioner? Contact Chris Turner at 401-580-1655.

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting

In service to One, In service to all. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization.

Membership is open to all active Catholic men of the parish. Join us in room B-4 at the school from 6:30-8:00pm For more information, contact Grand Knight Gary Carver at 814-838-8133.

Holy Day of Obligation - Ascension of the Lord

A vigil Mass will take place at 5:30pm on May 28th. Masses for the Holy Day will take place at 7:00am, 12:10pm, and 2:00pm (school) on May 29th.

Sunday Suppers - Community Outreach Opportunity

We need your help in preparing, cooking and feeding our brothers and sisters in need.

We will be serving on Sunday, June 1st at First Presbyterian Church from 4-5:30pm. Ready to get involved? Contact Pete Piotrowski 814-600-5386 or Debbie Piotrowski 814-812-0122.

Men's Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join with the men of the parish in the school cafeteria for fellowship and faith sharing from 6:30-8pm.

Pentecost Sunday

When the Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room where the disciples and the Blessed Mother were praying on Pentecost, ten days after our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven, it was with great power, in the form of a driving wind and "tongues as of fire" (Acts 2:3) descending on each of them. Come Holy Spirit fill us with courage to witness our faith with boldness!

Join us for Adoration immediately following the 4:30pm Mass until Benediction and Solemn Evening Prayer at 6pm.

Scout Troop 59 Annual Garage Sale

Saturday, June 14, 2025

8:00am to 1:00pm

Drop off donations at the School Cafeteria on Thursday and Friday, June 12th & 13th from 6:00 to 8:00pm.

Absolutely NO Electronics

Most Holy Trinity Sunday

The Trinity is one of the most fundamental beliefs of the Catholic Church. Why is Holy Trinity Sunday after Pentecost? If we desire to understand the Trinity, we need to have the gift of the Holy Spirit; we can never fully understand who God is on our own and desperately need his guidance and inspiration.

Erie City Mission - Community Outreach Opportunity

All parishioners age 15 or older are invited to help in preparing and serving the lunch meal at the Erie City Mission from 9:45AM until 1PM.

For information or to volunteer, contact Scott Barnes at 814-881-8889.

Casserole Club - Community Outreach Opportunity

Casseroles in support of Maria House Project can be dropped off in the social room from 3:30-4:30pm. Casseroles should be pre-cooked and frozen with re-heating instructions. In you need your casserole picked up or have questions, contact Skip or Dottie Glover at 814-440-3496.

Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, historically known by its Latin name, Corpus Christi, celebrates the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

Join us for a Holy Hour at 6:30pm

Annual Emmaus Convocation

Communion Services will be offered (June 24-26) while the priests are at their annual Emmaus Convocation, a time of relaxation, education and spiritual growth for the priests and deacons of the Diocese of Erie.

The church is asked to keep our priests and deacons especially in prayer on these Emmaus days.