Youth Ministry

Hi! My name is Sarah Beaver, sometimes known as SB to the youth. I am the Coordinator of Youth Ministry for Our Lady of Peace Parish. Something special about our youth is that they come to us from all around the Erie area.
I have worked at OLP now for three years and I believe the Lord has begun a revival with the youth of the area. I hope and pray we can offer the resources and opportunities needed for the youth to follow God's will in their lives. If you are looking for a way to support our ministry, please reach out and I can offer a few opportunities. We are mostly looking for prayers, for continued growth and understanding of the Catholic faith!
What I see as most important for our ministry is that the youth know they belong here. There is a place for everyone here! :)
Follow us on Instagram and see some of the fun activities and service we do.
Looking to get involved in this ministry? I am looking to expand the adults on my core team!
Looking to get involved as a youth? If you're in 4th-12th grade, we have a youth group for you! For K-5th, we've got Kid's Night Out for you. Looking for something we don't currently offer? Let me know, and we will see what we can find!
Want to receive our text reminders, make sure you give us your cell phone number and you will never miss another event.
For more information contact Sarah Beaver at 814-833-7701, or
Just remembered, you are L O V E D ! And we are here for Y O U !
God bless,
Sarah Beaver
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Peace Parish

2024 Fall Schedule